The Sprawl One Shot Document v0.1 is online!
I’m trying to come up with a quick and dirty way to run The Sprawl for a con and one shot format by asking leading questions and seeing where it goes!
I use this style for my Dungeon World games and I’m trying to steer it into The Sprawl.
I’m curious to see what others have to say… even if it’s only “get rid of everything you wrote except the list of leading questions!”
No pregens (or did I gloss over them)? If this is with people that have never played The Sprawl or PbtA, pregens might be a good thing to have. Your game this weekend on Twitch had very experienced players, used to thinking freely and quickly. People from traditional games may have difficulty with this, so having pregens could be a good fallback plan. Other than that I like having all the questions handy like you laid them out. A GM crib sheet…
I enjoyed watching you prep this Eric. Your one shot was supremely entertaining.
Thank you! I’m trying to avoid doing pregens. I am not trying to tell my story, but our story in 4 hours. Using the one shot recommendations from the book, I’m trying to come up with and organize leading questions that establish the world and characters simultaneously
I played the Sprawl again last night using this document. The VoDs will be up on Youtube later, but in the meantime it’s here:
Our mission was to locate concrete proof and evidence of a black ops project called Project Dark Zone.
I attempted to, using those loaded questions as though they were almost links, began making and filling in corporate clocks. By the end of startup 1 clock was full and 2 were at 23:00. I wonder if this was good or bad!
Something I’m having a problem doing in my One Shots is incorporating Directives. Especially combining everyone’s directives for a single mission. Especially when directives give you XP… XP that we don’t care about because this is a one shot.
I’m thinking about cutting out links during chargen and instead have them available to be invoked in play at the right moments. Kind of like a [link] type of gear to be spent in the one shot.
Wow! Thanks!
Christopher Meid I really think even completely inexperienced players (who doesn’t even know the genré) will have no problem making >their own< character for a one-shot, and realize it was fun as well! It's really just making choices, you don't even have to be creativ :)
*) and when they wish they’d tried another move/build/weapon/playbook/hair style/etc that’s when they’re hooked
A good 1st session sheet for one-shots is brilliant help, though.