26 thoughts on “Wrestlemania thoughts.”

  1. Eh, that’s like half the card though, right? As for the rest:

    Battle Royale – I tend to like these more than most people, so I’m biased.

    Giant Women’s Match – pretty stoked to see Emma on the main roster, I think this’ll be fun.

    IC Match – I’m really just here in case Stardust pulls out the glittery ladder once more. Also, Sami Zayn I guess, though he hasn’t captured my imagination the way that The Internet assures me he should have by now.

    US Title – Cruiserweight v. Heavyweight matches are often pretty lame. Hope springs eternal, but I don’t know how Ryback and Kallisto are supposed to have a decent match together

    Faction Tag Match – I’m sure people are sick of the New Day, but I still find their shtick entertaining. LoN has basically no reason to be a faction, and has been dull as hell since introduced. I expect this match to bury them, which is probably for the best.

    Old Guy Match – Shane will jump off of something really high. This will happen after about 45 minutes of nursing home-intense brawling.

    Title Match – eh.

    * * *

    I suppose I’m a bit more excited, but I’m also easily amused, and watch wrestling 4-5 times a year, so I’m burnt out on very little.

  2. I just wish there was more focus on singles matches. Like, we don’t need a 10 diva tag match, we don’t need a 7 man ladder match. They just seem thrown together to get more faces on screen, for little to no reason.

  3. -I’m pumped for shane-o-mac to dive off the cell.

    -I like every battle royal I’ve ever watched. Even the one Jimmy heart won once.

    -I love KO and Zane’s heat.

    -Y2j and styles should be decent.

    -Woman’s matches are always petty good as of late. Charlotte’s a great heal.

    -Brock always brings it, breaks the rules and bleeds.

    -Ive always been a pretty big HHH mark but this one is the one im least looking forward too.

  4. Rules of Wrestlemania:

    * Get as many people on the card as possible

    * Good guys win

    Accepting those as givens makes it easier to like the show, I think. It’s all about managing expectations! I also don’t expect to enjoy a lot of this show, but that’s what I thought last year and it was great.

  5. I know that the Faces used to always triumph at Wrestlemania once upon a time, but has that actually been the case on a consistent basis since the attitude era?  Rock never won the belt at WM, Austin turned heel, Rollins cashed in… heck, even The Miz has retained at WM as a heel champ at WM.  

  6. I actually like Roman Reigns.  I don’t think he’s ready to be The Man yet, but another couple of years of mic seasoning and a solid run as a heel to give his character some teeth, and he could be really amazing.   I feel bad for him with all the hate he’s gotten after Vince shoved him down folks’ throats.

  7. I wonder if Snoop will do anything that will cause Flair to bump. Hand him a book perhaps?

    That being said, I’m more excited for the idea of Wrestlemania than I am the card itself. It should be fun at least.

  8. I happened to notice him unstrapping one but I honestly was pretty faded by the end of that match so I don’t know if they made a point of it on camera or not.

  9. Styles not winning at Mania was super lame….a lot of things were super lame.

    I loved the Women’s match, and while I wanted Flair to get thrown from ringside, if he did, then Charlotte would have lost, this way it’s still good.

  10. I really don’t get the thought processes that went into this years WM. I loved NXT Takeover, the matches were excellent, even the worst ones were good matches and the rest were excellent, but WM it was just… I have no idea what they thought.

    I didn’t watch the pre-show, it was almost 5hrs anyway, so I don’t know about those matches but…

    The ladder match wasn’t actually bad, I especially enjoyed the fact that the ending was unexpected.

    The Tag team title match was…not good…and the aftermath was, well I don’t know what the fuck they were thinking. So the match ends with the LoN in the ring, and then they get beaten up by some old retired wrestlers with known back and neck issues (I’m sorry “Legends”) what does that say about your active roster? Never mind the question, why should I care who has the title now, the contenders just got beat up some old people who aren’t gonna be on the show anyway, so there’s really no going forward with that.

    Styles vs Jericho wasn’t bad technically, but we’ve seen these guys wrestle how many times now? And each time it’s become clearer and clearer that AJ is a younger and fitter version of Jericho (talking about in-ring ability) and this match was just more of the same.

    The womens triple threat was a good match, easily the best on the card.

    Taker v. Shane had some impressive spots but… There is no takeaway, the match had two people who weren’t relevant to any storylines before and now are again irrelevant due to the ending. On top of that it a non-wrestler vs. a person who is really ready to retire, and it showed.

    Ambrose v. Lesnar…this was a street fight? Srsly?

    The Andre the Giant memorial was boring, feel like I could have taken a toilet break. The only good thing was using it to boost Corbin into main roster recognition.

    ROCK SMASH…who cares? WWE seems intent on making the stars of the Attitude Era at the expense of their current roster, see the ending of the Tag Team title match as well.

    WWE title match, so you have a Heel who is cheered because he is beating up probably the most hated Babyface in the company, a boring match that just feels too damn long and a result that I have no idea what they intend to do with. The fans don’t seem to want this babyface, it’s not even the mixed reactions Cena gets, and the WWE seems to be tonedeaf to that fact.

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