While this is technically a “competitor” for UW, I think there’s some neat little mechanics in here that make it worth sharing.
Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
Impulse Drive roleplaying game version 2.3 is ready to play, for free.
This is the most complete version yet, with more explanations for much of the rules, and more easily used references and note taking sheets.
Any reshares and signal boosts are muchly appreciated!
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4w2ZvCSYT6AMzhrVktlVXpBN1k #PBTA #RPG #misfitsandspaceships #scifi
Interesting, though a lot of it appears to be a re-skin of Apocalypse World. I haven’t read the whole book though.
I’m glad Impulse Drive is moving along so well! I remember Adian had started tooling around with the idea on StoryGames at the same time that I was writing Uncharted Worlds, even though the two were quite unrelated. And yeah, it definitely cleaves closer to Apocalypse World, which is not a bad thing.
The Foibles bit is really close to what I do for my Dungeon World games.
Sean Gomes do you have any future ideas for alternate advancement methods or other types of rewards? I wanted to include an End of Session type move like Dungeon World does, but I don’t want advancement to happen too fast for UW.
Technically, the current batch of xp triggers work well as Dungeon World -style End of Session moves instead of “as it happens”.
Just remember that the party can gain a max of 3x per average-length session. If you want even slower progress, you can double the xp needed to level up (at max earning each session, that would require 3 sessions for the first advancement, 3 sessions for the next, and then 4 sessions for the third)
(Normally it’s 2, 2 and 3 for the first three skill-ups at “max speed”)
Hmm end of session would actually be a great time to bring those up. Good idea