Any ideas on how to apply some of these concepts to Monster-of-the Week?
This is John’s spy RPG he designed these concepts for: ideas on how to apply some of these concepts to Monster-of-the Week?
Any ideas on how to apply some of these concepts to Monster-of-the Week?
This is John’s spy RPG he designed these concepts for: are closed.
I think you could generate lore about the current creature with the same method, but it feels a bit like short circuiting the investigation.
Aaron Griffin I agree.
Hmm it could be workable for like minions and locations and other ephemera for the monster. Like use Dirty Lore to determine what is around the thing, and then use logical progression to figure out weaknesses and the like. That might allow the players to “figure it out” on their own.
Hmm I might play with that on my next MotW game.
Aaron Griffin A monster’s lair rundown? I could see that…
I’m running a Motw game with a Professional with amnesia/multiple identities. It could be usfeul, right? (I’ll see the video in a bit)
Oh I didn’t get the sense of it at all. It’s interesting though!
Mark Tygart the closest thing I’ve seen to a PbtA version of this is the Dungeons-as-Monsters bit from the DW Planarch Codex. You could pretty easily let the players create the dangers and have the GM add instincts.
I could see this port almost directly to MotW as long as speculation about the monster itself is kept to a minimum.