Has anyone ran the jump point adventure in the back of the book? Do you have a map or deck plan that you use for the ship?
Has anyone ran the jump point adventure in the back of the book?
Has anyone ran the jump point adventure in the back of the book?
I ran it. Nah, I don’t use maps. I just describe it, or ask for their input on its layout (they’re the ones doing the job after all). The most I did was bring some pictures of ships I printed off the internet and used one to inspire the scene.
Alfred Rudzki thanks. I don’t usually use maps either. I guess I am hoping for some cool visuals.
How did the game go for you?
It went really well! The exact layout of the ship really didn’t matter much at all once we established verbally where things were positioned relative to one another.
Yup. I posted a writeup of it here: https://plus.google.com/110237584606622650224/posts/9gciJp53WpU
There’s a bunch of write-ups for it in the actual play subgroup. I don’t think anyone uses maps though – narrative description works for most people.