So, I’m going to my first live wrestling event on saturday.

So, I’m going to my first live wrestling event on saturday.

So, I’m going to my first live wrestling event on saturday. On my way home yesterday I glanced at an advertisment poster and thought “that looks like a wrestling title belt” which made me look closer and, lo and behold, it WAS a wrestling title belt. The show is held about 200 yards from my house and they will have a pre-show bar and everything. It’s a small promotion, Sweden is not a huge pro-wrestling nation but I still look forward to it. Unfortunately it’s not the promotion where Janne Walterz wrestles but I still really look forward to it.

I got some of the players in my WWW game to join as well, some of them had plans for saturday but the rest are joining.

4 thoughts on “So, I’m going to my first live wrestling event on saturday.”

  1. I had a blast. I was kinda worried that the audience wouldn’t be into it and wouldn’t cheer, boo or chant but that was no problem at all, which is lucky because I had a hard time finding out anything about the show or promotion beforehand so I wouldn’t have known who to cheer for and who to boo without the older fans. The Wrestlers were great at introducing themselves and their characters, some of them (primarily Heels), cut promos in the ring (a lot of Cheap Heat was garnered). It was a lot more fun than watching it on TV and I like watching it on TV.

    As a fun side note, one of the characters was called Döden (Death) and a few friends of is had brought a sign that said “Death is only the Beginning” in Swedish (which happens to be the tagline of the classic Swedish RPG KULT). I also plugged World Wide Wrestling to some roleplayers in the audience.

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