Just thought I’d post here and see if pinging Marissa Kelly might get us an update since we see to not be getting any over on the KS page.
Just thought I’d post here and see if pinging Marissa Kelly might get us an update since we see to not be getting…
Just thought I’d post here and see if pinging Marissa Kelly might get us an update since we see to not be getting…
You mean like this one from just a few weeks ago, in the community that you just posted to?
Nope mean like something newer. Like responding to comments on the main ks page.
I think an update every few weeks is just fine. But yeah, giving attention to the KS page is good.
But the only comments on the main page since the last update are meaningless little “Do you have any updates?” nags?
Mike Pureka The problem is a KS by the same publisher that was done much later than this one has just released their Pre-Release PDF to backers. All the rules (sans completed art) and all the main Playbooks are released. We can easily start playing Maks now in it’s own setting with full descriptions and explanations of all the rules. Epyllion due way back in September (I believe) has only given us the playtest playbooks from their first update on the KS.
So when you see things from the same company being released to backers from a KS that was done much later than this one, it makes you wonder what’s going on …
Andrew Betts
No, it really doesn’t, if you’ve been reading the previous updates.
Different people are working on Epyllion than are working on Masks. It’s not really that complicated.
I’ve read the updates. And since the text is finished and through editing, there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to see it. At least the finalized Playbooks and Basic Moves would be nice.
Also about 2/3 of the teams for Masks and Epyllion crossover.
Hey Andrew! Thanks for your excitement.
As folks above noted, the staff for Masks and Epyllion are different. The Masks team, given how long we’re likely to wait for art, has decided to release a pre-release version of the game. We’re unlikely to have a final version for some time (until all the art is done), so they thought that was the best move.
Unlike Masks, Epyllion is very, very close to being completely finished. Rather than release a draft that’s close but not final, we’re holding that back until we’re ready to release a print-ready proof. Final layout changes are being made now to both the deck and the book, so we expect all that to be ready quite soon (days/weeks!)
We really appreciate you waiting so long for the book. We know it’s been longer than expected, and no one wants to see this book in backers’ hands more than Marissa and the Epyllion team. We’re almost there!
Andrew Betts
Which clearly does not include the layout person, who is the last known bottleneck.
Also, you might try asking “Is it possible for us to get a raw text version, instead of having to wait for layout?” rather than “Hey, any updates plz?” which is basically what people are asking for over on the KS page.
Also note that no, Masks didn’t release a pre-layout raw text version either. I don’t think most games do.
Mike Pureka I am sorry if I got to you, I’m not sure why you’ve chosen to come down with a hammer on me. I will go now.
Let’s try to keep it friendly, folks. Thanks for your question, Andrew Betts, and we hope you’ll be excited by the book release later this month.
Sorry. I’m just never clear on what the ask is when people say “Any update?” on a Kickstarter. Is the expectation that the people doing the project have an interesting update that they are just holding off from sharing until someone asks? It’s literally a behavior I do not understand.