Looks like I might (finally) be running a one-shot of Masks next weekend and I have a question:

Looks like I might (finally) be running a one-shot of Masks next weekend and I have a question:

Looks like I might (finally) be running a one-shot of Masks next weekend and I have a question:

Is v3 the most recent version of the game, or is there a more recent one?

I had to back the kickstarter through a friend and so don’t get the updates directly. Should I ask him to check his email for a newer version?

8 thoughts on “Looks like I might (finally) be running a one-shot of Masks next weekend and I have a question:”

  1. There’s an update from May 7 containing a Dropbox link, inside which is all 220 pages of completed rulebook text and the updated playbooks.

    So yeah, I’d ask your friend to look for new stuff. 😉

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