Ran my first session of The Veil last night over Roll20. Three PCs, one of them quite familiar with PbtA, and two new to the engine.
The session generally went well. The Playbooks give enough flavor to develop a character, with plenty of open space to really discover who they are. The player characters were fun, interesting, and were each supported by the rules in engaging the scenario in interesting ways as their players saw fit.
The core game has a lot of promise, and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.
In our one-shot scenario, we had The Apparatus (Jam – pleasurebot), The Architect (Jam – corporate security), and The Honorbound (Jam – PI / information courier / Giri enforcer). We only played through a single scene, which started with violence, followed a rather amusing use of moves, and ended with the heroes subduing their attackers and poised to chase down whoever sent the crew after them.
The Apparatus – the restriction of The Apparatus to a single emotional state was fantastic. The player was able to springboard some really creative play off of that playbook element, and this led to some fun times.
In our one shot we didn’t get too much time to explore the Apparatus’ humanity. I think that aspect has a lot of promise to it; however, i also felt under-prepared by the beta document to delve too much into humanity. It hasn’t “clicked” for me yet.
The Architect – I found some difficulty implementing the subconscious aspects of The Architect, who rolled poorly often (which makes for interesting play!). Next time i run The Veil with an Architect in play, i’m going to include specific questions about the subconscious elements to help me develop at least a motivation and two or three moves for each element. That way, when they occur in game i have some framework to implement them consistently on-the-fly.
The presence of The Architect establishes a minimum baseline for how important The Veil and the digiscape are to these characters, and i found that useful. However, i also found myself at a loss for how to portray The Veil for the other characters; i think some experience in the system, getting my feet wet in The Veil, will help me there.
We also noticed that The Architect can use an Improvement to add a subconscious element – as i understand it, these elements largely manifest to undermine The Architect. is this correct? I definitely like the idea of players working to add colorful complications to their lives, but it seems like an expensive thing to add as an advancement, when instead it can come from the special move, or an MC move (presumably that’s within the MC’s authority when given the golden opportunity….).
The Honorbound – This playbook was a lot of fun, and its session-starting move provided a solid springboard for the first session. The playbook content helped really set the stage for the One Shot, and there was plenty of unexplored content that could be drawn on for further sessions.
I do find the playbook moves rather sparse for actions to distinguish the character, though. One of the default moves, Honor, comes into play only when you are reluctant to do your own duty. While this is a fun element to challenge the Honorbound on, if it happens routinely then that playbook is more about someone on the cusp of abandoning its honor code, than someone strictly enforcing it.
I tend to think The Art of the Pursuit would be a better default move, if it was rewritten to apply not just while actively on the hunt, but also when directly engaging them (i think this could be great to build up those encounters).
States vs. Stats – i think this mechanic is quite innovative, and was looking forward to see it in play. i did worry that it would be hard to explain, particularly to the players with no PbtA experience, but they took to it really, really well. The weakest link was my MCing around this – while i asked them about their emotions, i should have spent a little more time exploring the States when they made moves. There is clearly some fertile ground to explore the characters through this system.
We also didn’t get to any spikes in the game; even with The Apparatus. We spent a little longer than anticipated on character creation, and only played through a single scene. I’m interested to see how spikes play out, and think my players last night would have really made that a lot of fun as they spiked and had to choose how to alleviate it.
Final Thoughts – it’s a fun game, and i look forward to more experiences in The Veil. The book needs some editing, and i think the art assets could be immensely valuable in helping with inspiration (the pinterest gallery linked in Google+ was great for that, by the way!).
I also think i’ll create a list of “motivations” for NPCs, along with appropriate quirks and traits. in Dungeon World, the knacks and instincts charts have been invaluable to me, along with the Funnel World Physical and Personality traits. Similar tables to quickly give NPCs a little more life would be very handy.
That said, i think the implementation of Beliefs, and the discussions of Fictional Flags and Playbook Focus are fantastic tools to help the MC tailor responses and challenges for the players at the table.
Will definitely play again, and perhaps with this same cast of characters!
You’re my hero, Andrew! That’s some awesome feedback I can really dig into! Don’t worry we are doing copy editing – before we were doing copy editing directly from that document and people were having downloading the file as a result, so we moved to an external doc of it to edit. And we hit the art goal stretch goal so there’s going to be a TON of artwork. A TON. I’m super excited. You guys should record it, or stream it – or something! Would love to check it out. The more feedback and live play I see the better it’ll get. Thanks so much for playing and enjoying it! Looking forward to hearing some more feedback!
I will make a note to talk more about humanity!
I’ll definitely have to address the Architect’s improvement. That’s a very solid concern. For the subconscious, I have the player actually introduce those things to me, whether or not the protagonist is aware of it or not is established by the fiction but the player should be basically making the NPC and introducing them to you and then you’ve got them in your pocket as the MC. When I portray the Veil, since it’s a mixed reality I springboard off the players a lot. When it’s an external influence showing them something or representing themselves they
The honorbound move – It is pretty intrinsic to the playbook to have the honor move but it would be interesting to have something else happen with it. I’ll think tank it with Kyle.
I’m confused about spikes, do you mean they never spiked out? Or they never got spikes? They should always be getting spikes as anytime there is a move triggered there should be an emotion spike when they apply the state to the trigger.
Glad to help! We recorded the session for private review. Let me clear it with the players to share with you, and assuming they approve, I’ll send you the YouTube link.
As for spiking, I confused the terms. Nobody spiked out – The Apparatus had four spikes in Joyful; everyone else had spread theirs among various states, so no one had five in one state.
Eager to see the artwork!
Andrew Fish Ahhh, gotcha! Yeah, with just one scene I think it would be pretty hard to spike out. It’ll be forthcoming! The next update should have some more for you, Ale is currently working on the Apparatus!
That’d be great! All feedback is super helpful to me.
Our session here in Brazil is scheduled for today! Wish me luck
Good luck Douglas Santana ! We had a lot of fun with it.
Douglas Santana Good luck!
Douglas Santana – How did it go? Mission report!
I’d be interested to read a new thread in The Veil G+ community on your play experience, if you’d be inclined to share!
Are the playtesting materials available somewhere? I’m talking on a podcast tonight about the Veil and wanted to see if there was more to look at!
I think the link from the kickstarter shooould still be OK, but in case it isn’t – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1jkcrokodisqoum/AACvWpHnVy_a1BXYI_ve5XBOa?dl=0
Thanks for talking about it! I added all the pictures to the playbook sheets now as well. The draft is constantly being edited..so let me know if it’s a problem to download and I’ll separate the file out and post a different link, or something!