Should a Doom be tied directly to a character and their power via “their power corrupts them” or a prophetic fall or what not…or is a Doom where using your power isn’t bad in and of itself but does attract people that would want to kill you to get it…such as the way the witches target the stars in Stardust.
Should a Doom be tied directly to a character and their power via “their power corrupts them” or a prophetic fall or…
Should a Doom be tied directly to a character and their power via “their power corrupts them” or a prophetic fall or…
Those both sound acceptable to me. I think the key is that 1) the fate is inevitable and 2) the character knows that. Generally it is also secret for some reason, at least to start, but I don’t think that is a prerequisite.
Well 3 of the Inspirations listed in the books follow the my powers will kill me trope while the other two deal with external powers coming for them and for reality. For Raven it’s her demon father coming and destroying everything (afaik) while for Rachel Summers it’s more about the phoenix force taking full control of her and destroying everything – or at least that is Jean; Rachel should be similar – I am not really familiar with X-Men lore.
Alberto Muti, Ezio Melega ?
I think either is valid. One of my players had a Doomed who actively weakened her connection to this reality every time she did her thing, following the more traditional doom style, but I’ve also played a superhacker Doomed for whom the doom track represented clandestine powers zeroing in on him via his unusual online activities.
The framework of the playbook offers a lot of room to play with the overall concept as long as you still abide by the core conceits. Like any playbook, really.
I would echo Jason, Tim and Matt’s responses. One of my favorite things about how Masks is set up is that the playbooks deal with a type of story/character, not specific details. So you really have a lot of leeway to do whatever you want with it and still have it fit the game. If it makes sense to you for it to work that way, then I say go for it.
Cool, thanks for the input.