Do the Ghouls that hang our in a Vamp’s Haven basically have a perpetual Debt to the Vamp?

Do the Ghouls that hang our in a Vamp’s Haven basically have a perpetual Debt to the Vamp?

Do the Ghouls that hang our in a Vamp’s Haven basically have a perpetual Debt to the Vamp? Enter Haven. Become enDebted. Debt gets cashed in. Ghoul is still in or re-enters Haven, gets another Debt?

Kind of makes sense from a Renfield-like, do your bidding Master way. But I don’t want to overdo it.

2 thoughts on “Do the Ghouls that hang our in a Vamp’s Haven basically have a perpetual Debt to the Vamp?”

  1. I think when you’re working for or serving the Vamp, you’re immune to that clause. The Ghouls are there for a reason, ask the Vamp why that is and what keeps them coming back. My two cents.

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