Hi there,
I’m pretty new to PBTA games still, but I am a thorough convert. I really like these systems.
Out of curiosity, has anyone used any flavor of PBTA to run a robotech/giant robots/pacific rim type game?
Thanks in advance!
Hi there
Hi there,
I’m pretty new to PBTA games still, but I am a thorough convert. I really like these systems.
Out of curiosity, has anyone used any flavor of PBTA to run a robotech/giant robots/pacific rim type game?
Thanks in advance!
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Dana Fried?
I don’t know if there are any PbtA games specifically designed for that, but I’ll bet someone’s tried.
Someone suggested Monster Force Terra which has some fun ideas for playing as the monsters.
Good ideas on oversized combat as well.
But I really want to capture that pilot/giant robot feel.
I’ve seen a few suggestions for uncharted worlds. Using the robot as your ship.
There was a …. something Kaiju…. hack
#friendsatthetable use Hamish Cameron’s The Sprawl
There’s something called “Atlas Reckoning” which does that, and which I’ve heard praised. However, I believe it’s still in early development, and I’m not aware that it’s currently publicly available.
James Torrance Atlas Reckoning isn’t PbtA.
Here’s the community for Souls of Steel, which does exactly the thing you’re talking about, Jason Mills.
James Mendez Hodes Whoops, my mistake!
There’s Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands (http://nightskygames.com/welcome/game/MobileFrameZeroFirebrands). Looks like it might be focused more on character and drama than on tactical combat, which may or may not be what you’re looking for.
James Mendez Hodes Many thanks!
I’m not sure it’ll capture the themes you want, but I’m working on something that is pretty much Apocayplse World: Kill Giant Monsters with Hefty Machinery if you’re interested.
Don Bisdorf That looks like fun too, thanks!
Yes but I’m too tied up with other stuff right now to respond. Message me if you want a look at Souls of Steel.