So, I’m think about PbtA for high fantasy, big damn heroes style play.

So, I’m think about PbtA for high fantasy, big damn heroes style play.

So, I’m think about PbtA for high fantasy, big damn heroes style play. We already have Dungeon World, which I like very much, but that is focused on emulating more of a classic dungeon crawl type game and is tied to a lot of D&Disms. There’s also AW: Fallen Empires and A Storm Eternal on the fantasy side.

What I’m thinking about is something more closely aligned with the kind of world and unique classes from something like 4E D&D (stuff like the warden, sword mages and seeker). Instead of Dungeon World’s random damage, I’d prefer using fixed harm values and moving away from D&D as a mechanical inspiration (while still being a flavour inspiration). The game would not be about dungeon crawling and instead focus on high adventure and epic scale quests (which DW can do, but isn’t specifically built for).

Does this game exist, but I’ve just missed it? If it doesn’t exist, is it something anyone else is interested in?

17 thoughts on “So, I’m think about PbtA for high fantasy, big damn heroes style play.”

  1. Tony Ferron I’m working on a hack I call “Dragon World”. The sources are numerous, first and foremost The Watch.

    With Dragon World, I want adventurers who answer the call to be heroes. I want to emphasize living in a community, and what that means when you are a professional murder hobo. I want combat to be fast, intentional, and to have consequences.

  2. William Nichols I’d be interested in talking about Dragon World, sure.

    Palin Majere I’ve had a brief look at Fellowship. It’s not quite what I have in mind. I think it’s structure is great for what it wants to do, but I don’t think it’s quite what I’m after for this. It’s certainly something to look to for inspiration though.

    Michael Kailus As I understand it, A Storm Eternal is a revision of the AW: Dark Ages material.

    Colter Hanna I’d love to see what you’ve got.

  3. The Power resources in Heavy Metal Aeons is interesting to me. Also, I was thinking that some of the ideas in Headspace regarding professional moves and the like, and the resource management of stress might be interesting things to incorporate (although I’ve only played Headspace once and don’t recall exactly how that all worked). Basically I’m thinking the ability to automatically succeed at certain areas of skill for each playbook would be a neat way to reinforce the idea of competent and powerful PCs.

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