Have you ever used features/settings/playbooks from other Powered by the Apocalypse titles in your Apocalypse World…

Have you ever used features/settings/playbooks from other Powered by the Apocalypse titles in your Apocalypse World…

Have you ever used features/settings/playbooks from other Powered by the Apocalypse titles in your Apocalypse World game? How well did it work out?

5 thoughts on “Have you ever used features/settings/playbooks from other Powered by the Apocalypse titles in your Apocalypse World…”

  1. Hah, I was just thinking of a super similar idea. I’m going to be running a Planescape inspired world-hopping thing and am considering employing various playbooks from different games to get the cosmopolitan feel of the planes.

    I intend to convert the playbooks slightly and keep the basic moves from AW (Fallen Empires in my case). Monster of the Week and Urban Shadows might be easy to port over.

  2. They are now linked over on the Out of this World community! https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/106115676297584948628 Let me know what you think. If you have questions about how to pull another PbtA game’s playbook in, please ask over there and I’ll write up a quick guide.

    Super quick guide: Choose your stats in the playbook, then map them as bearings per your choices. Fill in skipped spaces with other bearings inspired by the playbook. A lot of the tags will probably carry over just fine. Create the source reality using the game’s threats and their impulses. If you have ideas let me know!

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