I know it’s a long shot, but is anyone running (or looking to run) an ongoing game in need of players?

I know it’s a long shot, but is anyone running (or looking to run) an ongoing game in need of players?

I know it’s a long shot, but is anyone running (or looking to run) an ongoing game in need of players? I’ve run the game plenty since the Kickstarter, but I’ve yet to actually play. I’d love to play hero, plus I’m sure seeing the game from the other side of the screen would help my GMing a lot.

8 thoughts on “I know it’s a long shot, but is anyone running (or looking to run) an ongoing game in need of players?”

  1. I can totally grok that. I got scared off from running Urban Shadows the same way; didn’t quite grasp how to get the most out of the system, and the game really suffered because I was focusing on the wrong things. If you’re willing to give it another go, though, I’d be happy to come along for the ride, and to be a resource if you need it. You have my sword!

  2. River Williamson If you run it for some strangers who are easily avoidable in the future, that should make it a little easier. 🙂 Seriously though, don’t give up! I used to hate running games, but PbtA games, and Masks especially, have made me really enjoy running.

  3. It’s a unique beast. The main key thing I can think to say is that it’s not really about fighting supervillains, even though that’s fun and you spend a good amount of time doing it; it’s about relationships and identity. If you remember to keep people communicating even during action scenes, and particularly have adults try to force their views on the PCs, a lot of stuff clicks into place.

    That said: happy to be a resource and a player, but definitely don’t want to talk you into running something you don’t want to run! If it’s just a confidence thing, I’d encourage giving it another try, but if you feel the game is not your cuppa that’s cool too. 🙂

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