I have no excuse for this. It’s just silly. Just…silly. I can’t even figure out how I came up with this: I haven’t had a brain injury in the last several years, I’m not in an altered state due to recreational pharmaceuticals, and it hasn’t been playtested At All.
At some point I mentioned it to my AW2e MC and he gave it something resembling a stamp of approval (albeit with the caveat that HE certainly wasn’t about to run it).
Technically a Work In Progress. Go nuts, breakfast clubbers.
Oh dear. Or should I say b-baka.
Sean Gomes You should probably go so far as to invoke Tendo Akane’s Baka Song, if you can find it. (thinks) If not also Princess Ayeka’s “Call Me Princess” song…
(Edit: found it! https://youtu.be/OEYKRiBaSEs )
I refuse to process this, it’s like looking at a Lovecraftian horror.
Good job.
Tony Ferron Thank you kindly, good sir. I aim to horrify as cutely as possible.
Princess: the Hopeful anyone?