My favorite hard move from last session:

My favorite hard move from last session:

My favorite hard move from last session:

The pilot was left on the ship with another PC’s 3 man crew (criminal, armed). Communications are down and the other PCs are on a wreck which has now come under fire by a Slaver ship.

The pilot decides to order the crew on board to man the defense turrets, because they’re going in to save the others. I tell him that they’re liable to listen, but the risk is that they will react quite poorly if he fails. He rolls a 4.

“You hear silence over the comms, but the internal sensors do register the door to the turret opening and closing. Huh, a totally different sensor just registered your shuttle’s engine starting. Oh and it looks like the cargo door is open, but the sensors have been hacked.”

He ended up remotely Accessing his shuttle, shutting off the engines, and locking the doors.

No sure what’s gonna happen to Donny when we resolve the whole situation. He tried to book it with their shuttle…

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