Far Beyond Humanity Origins

Far Beyond Humanity Origins

Far Beyond Humanity Origins

Day 3 – Programmed

(I know I originally called this the Indoctrinated Origin, but that was too much of a mouthful).

This Origin comes from a LOT of different sources, and is a super common sci-fi trope. Basically, all the bad-ass sleeper-agents and living-weapons, from Jason Bourne of the Bourne series, to River Tam in Firefly, to Talia Winters in Babylon 5.

As a side note, this Origin allows for plant creatures, hive-mind insects etc. More importantly, it allows for more tightly controlled AI and Robotic species.

The Unique skill is probably the most GM-facing of all the stat-replacements. While the other 4 skills give direction as to the consequences, this one allows a small amount of control over the character directly.

The cross-class skills are pretty self explanatory. Still love Obsession, and in this case, it’s not even your obsession, it’s theirs (“they” being the ones that programmed the Obsession).

Tomorrow: The Occult


4 thoughts on “Far Beyond Humanity Origins”

  1. Justin Phillips After much consideration, Robots and AI are going to be species, not Origin. Your robot’s Origin will determine their given tasks or situations after they came online.

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