I am very fond of Gotham Academy, and I have been idly wondering how a game of Masks would work in that setting.

I am very fond of Gotham Academy, and I have been idly wondering how a game of Masks would work in that setting.

I am very fond of Gotham Academy, and I have been idly wondering how a game of Masks would work in that setting. All the characters are a bit lower on the power scale, but have all the drawbacks of the playbooks you would use… maybe a bit more. Olive, for instance, is a Doomed who doesn’t even know she is one for a good long while. The relatively few times she has unleashed her powers they have been hellaciously effective and have threatened her sanity. Her best friend Maps is probably a Beacon, but generally the thing she collects and adapts for her own uses are… well… maps.

I think it is more a tone thing than anything else really. Having players who are willing to make alterations to play in such a game, where the characters feel like the powers and quirks they have are more like an intense hobby or interesting medical condition than a defining characteristic. Of course, the adults in the series do not always agree…

Could be fun.

2 thoughts on “I am very fond of Gotham Academy, and I have been idly wondering how a game of Masks would work in that setting.”

  1. Maybe? Certainly has the mystery vibe. I haven’t played enough Bubblegumshoe to know really. I would hate to lose the influence mechanic though.

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