As a follow up to the previous “Grim darkness of writing rules supplements” post, playtest is scheduled for this…

As a follow up to the previous “Grim darkness of writing rules supplements” post, playtest is scheduled for this…

As a follow up to the previous “Grim darkness of writing rules supplements” post, playtest is scheduled for this Friday (and with luck will be recorded for you guys to listen to later on). Sorry to those who didn’t get in this time, I just picked the first 5 people to express interest.

Anywho, I’ve also been toying with a one-page character sheet variation. I mean, I like my old one, but I think there may be a better way of doing it. So this is a bit of a prototype for that too.

I uploaded the first pre-gen character sheet for this one-shot. The rest will be along soon. Trying to cram as much Far Beyond Humanity stuff in each (within reason) to hopefully get some data about the new character skills/options.

(Obviously, Uncharted World is in no way affiliated with Games Workshop or any of its properties, use of artwork and terms are purely for personal entertainment as a fan of the source material, etc)

10 thoughts on “As a follow up to the previous “Grim darkness of writing rules supplements” post, playtest is scheduled for this…”

  1. Jesse R Try opening the PDF in something other than Dropbox’s native PDF viewer and tell me if it looks any better. I get the impression that their default viewer isn’t very good at all.

  2. I looked back through my feed for the last week – if you shared it, I can’t find it.

    Might be user error on my end, I never discount that.

    But yes, with a gentle reminder of the scheduled time, I’ll be good to go!

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