I’m looking to run a Monday night campaign of US in the Twin Cities area (Roseville specifically) and I’m looking for potential players. If interested, comment here and I’ll get in touch with you. Edit: Changed from Thurs to Mon.
I’m looking to run a Monday night campaign of US in the Twin Cities area (Roseville specifically) and I’m looking…
I’m looking to run a Monday night campaign of US in the Twin Cities area (Roseville specifically) and I’m looking…
I can’t join in because Canada, but I can share this with my circles if you like.
I live in Minneapolis, and I’m interested: how many folks are you looking for?
Ooooh, Mark Di is a good find!
Andrew Medeiros
Mark DiPasquale Not sure yet! I could fit two or three potentially if you’ve got friends who might also be interested.
Count me in regardless
what time thursday night?
I’m interested!
Adam McConnaughey Typically people congregate circa 6:30 for a 7pm start time. We play until 10-10:30.
basically i need to bus to work in north MN and get there by midnight, so maybe?
is it at the ffgc? because if i can catch a bus at 10:45 from there i’m good.
Yes, it will be!