I’m wondering how other gmd would handle this. Psychic damage- would you still allow brace for impact move? Does that apply to non physical attacks? Sean Gomes
I’m wondering how other gmd would handle this.
I’m wondering how other gmd would handle this.
I would have them brace for impact with Mettle instead of armor.
I like no armor for the brace.
Essentially a mental brace for impact?
Depending on how dangerous the mental attacks are supposed to be. If they are about as dangerous as other people with weapons (psychic cops) then the Mettle brace seems good. If they are supposed to be crazy strong and dangerous (elder intelligence that controls the planet) then a straight up die roll would probably be better.
… Oookay so adding this to my list of things to write about in FBH.
/deer in headlights
Sean Gomes cool man. I’m a fan of psychic stuff but I’m not sure how it works with brace for impact so any guidance will be much appreciated.
For the moment, Brace without physical armor (but count Shield attire upgrades).
You just need to add psychic armor.