Do many people here use Roll20? I’m working on a new Sprawl character sheet / roll-template / play-environment for it, here’s a look.
Do many people here use Roll20?
Do many people here use Roll20? I’m working on a new Sprawl character sheet / roll-template / play-environment for it, here’s a look.
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I like the look of it so far.
I really want to see the play environment as well.
Nicely done. I do use Roll20 from time to time, but I’ve not tried playing The Sprawl with it yet. That definitely looks useful if I ever do so…
Looks amazing! I didn’t realise you could achieve that level of graphical customisation in Roll20 character sheets.
Looks smooth!
Looks great for immersion. Good work!
Yeah, I’m an enthusiastic Roll20 user, lots of started game-areas but no stories yet!
Things have evolved there, and a lot depends on knowing HTML/CSS scripting to customize a sheet and have buttons for dice-rolls for your game. I know how to design Token-based macros, but not HTML/CSS sheets stored on GitHub, so events have overtaken my style of play.
If you have developed tips for The Sprawl or any Powered by the Apocalypse game in general, post them in the System-Specific Guide section of the wiki. There is currently NO Apocalypse game represented there; you may want to start one if you have some good Macros or APIs to use.
I would totally use your sheet in Roll 20.
Hey cheers. There’s a bit more to do but once I think it’s ready I’ll share a live version here so people can have a play around, let me know if anything’s broken or if they have any ideas.
Put the sheet on Roll20’s GitHub.
I am wondering do you plan on releasing the background images or are you just doing the sheet?
Pierre Savoie will do – I just need to do a little more bug-testing and so forth. There’s also already a Sprawl character sheet on Roll20 so I’m not sure how that will work exactly, but I can ask.
Derrick Cochran Yeah I’ll definitely release the background – that’s got a lot of work to do yet but I want to create almost like a boardgame mat – with a central area for maps/visual reference, and set areas around the side for harm clocks, mission clocks, player forward tokens, and things like this. Just so that ideally you can track everything in Roll20 together without needing too much external note-keeping
Tim Denee the other sheet is the one I threw together. Yours looks MUCH nicer. I think it’s possible to have more than one sheet for a game, but would also be happy to help get it switched out for yours.
Love this. As me and my group use this extensively I would really like to know when this comes out.
Yes, many variants of sheets can exist for the same game. Just give it a distinct filename, and let the game-masters decide what to use for their campaign area. Game-masters can even change sheet-type during a game, and most of the time the data smoothly transfers to the new sheet type but there may be glitches to that!
Tim Denee very cool. Can’t wait till your done.
As someone who’s group uses Roll20, this excites me greatly. Will there be any hope for clock set up as well?
Wow, this looks really sharp. I’d love to use it!
D Potto Craig Lewin Thanks! I’ve submitted the sheet to Roll20 on GitHub, so hopefully that trickles through in the next few days. In the meantime you can preview it all live on Roll20, details here: https://plus.google.com/109817499382146310869/posts/AsNKKiixfcS
John Anderson Excellent idea, thanks! I’ve added that, you can see it in action here: https://app.roll20.net/join/1520986/S_3Kaw it’ll take a few days to filter through to the Roll20 GitHub though.
I haven’t actually used the sheet in action yet myself, so if you have any other user-testing notes/thoughts/whatever I’m definitely interested. One thing I’m particularly interested in is whether players use the img url fields in practice and how that looks.
John Anderson That’s an interesting one, yeah! My ideal scenario would be to show all the individual rolls and then show the total, but unfortunately Roll20 can’t do this – you can either show all the individual rolls, or show one total, but not both. I’ve done individual rolls to help new players learn the system (I think it’s important to know what goes into a roll – the importance of a +1 forward or a slightly better attribute). I’m open to showing a total instead though. Or maybe at least adding up the two dice for you (so displaying 2d6 instead of 1d6+1d6).
I used the sheet as a new player of The Sprawl yesterday. Very slick, I could type fast and transfer all the info from my picks on the character Playbook. It displays the dice rolls and Stat and Forwards separately but we can add simple numbers like that!
Usually on Roll20 if there is a macro for a roll total, it will be printed in Chat in a little box, which means you hover on the roll and it will display the components.
Pierre Savoie oh good, nice to hear it’s working out!
I absolutely love your sheets, but I’ve come up with a problem. I like to pop out my player’s sheets and display them on a separate screen, but when I do that, only the first one I pop out looks right. Every other sheet after that ends up missing things. Even if I close the one that was working and re-open it, it’ll be wonky looking. The only way to fix it is to reload roll20.
This is far worse than I thought. I reopened the game today and looked at the character sheets and this seems permanent. I’ve included an image of what all my sheets look like now.
Gregory Daily are you zoomed in? I get the same issues if I zoom by browser window in (see top right of screenshot). If you need to zoom the character sheet, use Roll20’s built in functionality (there’s a magnifying glass next to the close button on the character sheet window) and not the browser’s zoom.
Gregory Daily I had typed out a reply and thought I posted it but I guess not – anyway, glad to hear you like the sheet and I apologize for the problems. The issue is that Roll20 doesn’t like ID tags in the HTML, something I didn’t know when I built the sheet. I need to go through the HTML and recode some stuff (turn labels into spans). Until I do that, Roll20 won’t work properly with more than character sheet open at a time because the unique IDs will clash. This is a little bit of a fiddle to do – I just finished doing it for my Blades in the Dark sheet. I’ll add it to my to-do list for the Sprawl sheet, but in the meantime I’m afraid it’s better to have only one character sheet open at a time.
I figured out the problem. I had my screen at 110% from ctrl+scroll. It only seems to get messed up at 110%. 120%, 60% all look fine.
Gregory Daily OK great – that’s one problem solved, hah.
I think it happened because I was trying to get them to fit the screen which only happens at 110%…and the glitch only happens at 110%.
Gregory Daily Just to let you know, I fixed the ID issue and pushed a new version to Roll20 which should let you have multiple character sheets open at the same time without any problems. This might take a few days to show up on the Roll20 servers though.