Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Today is Saturday July 2nd! And it’s a beautiful day for some exciting Sports Entertainment!

This is the organizational thread for Saturday Morning Main Event, a weekly pick-up game of World Wide Wrestling. It requires no experience with the game, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. If you’d like to start a promotion, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help you along the process.

When we get 4 or more players and it’s after 12:00 EST we can get the show started. If you want to tag in, just let us know and we’ll figure out a way to get you in. If you want to talk about your exploits in the squared circle be sure to use the hashtag #SMME

Please prepare a character and a NPW before start time, as that will greatly speed up the process of getting the game started.

If you want to take a look over the Heat Map and other Documents don’t hesitate to go to the #SMME Folder by following this link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8vBGcQnMZr9WUN5YUhSanB5THc&usp=sharing


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