So here’s a custom move from Liars and Bastards All, my Dungeon World hack of Locke-Lamora-esque adventure.

So here’s a custom move from Liars and Bastards All, my Dungeon World hack of Locke-Lamora-esque adventure.

Originally shared by Oli Jeffery

So here’s a custom move from Liars and Bastards All, my Dungeon World hack of Locke-Lamora-esque adventure.

It’s meant to simulate a desperate action, and to build tension, plus play into the gambling, free wheeling nature of the source material. My concern is that it’s mostly mechanical, though it shouldn’t be too hard to simulate fiction around.

What do you think?

Push your luck

When you push your luck instead of accepting a partial success, Roll the original Move again.

On a 10+ you succeed as per that move.

On a 7-9 you can accept the partial success for that move, or Push Your Luck again.

On a 6-, the GM gets to make a hard move against you, and against one of your comrades for every time you pushed your luck before failing. You can only Push Your Luck as many times as there are other players in the game.

6 thoughts on “So here’s a custom move from Liars and Bastards All, my Dungeon World hack of Locke-Lamora-esque adventure.”

  1. Only thing I feel could be an issue is that, the majority of the time you will at least get a partial success on a roll. So this seems like something that a lot of players would take a gamble on every time. I’d maybe have say a GM can perform a soft move on a 7-9.

  2. When you push your luck instead of accepting a partial success, Roll the original Move again.

    On a 10+ you succeed as per that move.

    Anything else, is met with utter disaster, maybe you pushed too hard?

  3. This feels like it would just bog down the game. What if you took a page out of blades in the dark and do something similar to the devil’s bargain. Maybe

    When you get a partial success, you can accept it or turn it into a 10+ but the MC makes a hard move.

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