So, I just got this, and tore through the whole book in one setting. What a solid purchase. Thanks Hamish.
Iwant to play so very much! I, however, do not actually have a consistent local or online gaming group (Yet!) If you’re interested in getting an online game going, on mornings on weekdays or flexible times on weekends, let me know!
The Gauntlet Meetup Group https://plus.google.com/communities/104672702589306017985
If you don’t get a group, you might consider The Gauntlet. Put game on calendar, people sign up, play via hangout. Works pretty well and good people.
I do love the Gauntlet. I feel like to get the most out of this, I’d like to have the same four players each time and a longer collaborative set up, unlike Dungeon World. That said, I will post an event if I cant find four interested individuals.
I’d be interested potentially, depending on what day/time you settle on. I’m starting up a game myself that’s starting this week (characters and corps are already made), but I’d love to see how other people run the game.
steven swezey sure, I’ll keep you in the loop.
Hi there, keep me in mind as well! I’ll be running an in-person game soon, but really want to be a player in this system too. Thanks!
Skyler Latshaw You got it!
steven swezey Skyler Latshaw and anyone on this post who may be interested. My time-slot preferences are: Any weekday (Morning), Saturday (Morning), Sunday (Late night). You can post here or PM me on hangouts.
Daniel Lugo Cool, those times all work equally well for me really. Feel free to add me to a hangout, I can’t seem to PM you without an email address? (Sorry, I basically only use G+ for RPG groups.)
Daniel Lugo Thursday mornings would probably be best for me. What time are you thinking aprox?