A couple of weekends ago I was messing around with javascript and websockets and created a web-app for managing…

A couple of weekends ago I was messing around with javascript and websockets and created a web-app for managing…

A couple of weekends ago I was messing around with javascript and websockets and created a web-app for managing Countdown Clocks.

Its basically two web pages that talk to each other. The MC creates his clocks in the Countdown Controller screen and the players can instantly see the results on the Big Board. I tried to keep the page lean enough that it works in a mobile environment.

Check it out here: http://tomcat8-clocks.rhcloud.com/clocks/

If there’s enough interest, I’ll clean it up and share it on GitHub.

7 thoughts on “A couple of weekends ago I was messing around with javascript and websockets and created a web-app for managing…”

  1. Gavin Bisesi That’s a good thought! It’s been a couple of years since I’ve done any Android dev. A side project like this might be just the thing to get my gears turning again.

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