In support of this community hitting 1000 members (WOO!), here’s a sneak peek at a li’l somethin’ I’ve been…

In support of this community hitting 1000 members (WOO!), here’s a sneak peek at a li’l somethin’ I’ve been…

In support of this community hitting 1000 members (WOO!), here’s a sneak peek at a li’l somethin’ I’ve been hammering into shape for the past week or so.

(Available for public use Soon™)

6 thoughts on “In support of this community hitting 1000 members (WOO!), here’s a sneak peek at a li’l somethin’ I’ve been…”

  1. This looks great! I’m running a Masks game using Roll20 soon, and would love to have access to something like this. Excited to see the finished product.

  2. The public release schedule has been bumped up to Very Soon™. I’m just cleaning up some leftover code on the back-end before submission and it’ll probably be up within the next 48 hours few days. I’ll make a new post when it’s ready for everyone to get their hands on it.

    I have plans for the sheet to add an extra playbook-specific section to a column for convenience things like a Doomtrack, but after bashing my head against it for a coupla days that’s turned out more complicated to implement than I predicted…

    3:30AM update: decided to bash my head against it one last time before giving up and totally got it working. So now it’ll be a feature-complete release with so many doomtracks and drives and Reformed obligations you won’t know what to do with ’em all.

  3. It’s officially feature-complete. By this time tomorrow it’ll be submitted to the Roll20 team for review, and provided I haven’t bollocksed the code up in some important way it should be released into the wild shortly thereafter.

    My relief will be the stuff of legend.

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