To people who have made an Infiltrator and then taken the Neural Interface cyberware.

To people who have made an Infiltrator and then taken the Neural Interface cyberware.

To people who have made an Infiltrator and then taken the Neural Interface cyberware. It states that you then take the move Jack In. Are you assuming that uses up the Infiltrators “Choose one more move” option during character generation or is this a bonus move they get for picking that piece of cyberware?

I’m aware this could be played by ear and doesn’t matter too much but just wondering.

8 thoughts on “To people who have made an Infiltrator and then taken the Neural Interface cyberware.”

  1. It’s ambiguous, but my thinking is that it should be one of the moves…. the entry for the neural interface simply says “you get the ‘Jack In’ move” (no mention of taking up an option), but ‘Jack In’ is also listed as one of the moves you can choose. Additionally, if you look at the generic description for Neural Interface under the cyberware chapter, it says “you may take the Hacker move jack in as an advance”… you explicitly don’t get it for free in that case.

  2. Incidentally, what role are you envisaging for such a character? I picture them as supporting a specialist hacker… the infiltrator being able to get physical access, providing openings for the expert to exploit….

  3. Seems to be a bonus move by the wording, however the wording is inconsistent between play books. The fixer isn’t listed as gaining access to the jack in move at all while the infiltrator get gets it for free and others get the option to take it as a move. This either suggests there are editing issues or that it was done on purpose. I’d let them have it for free personally as long as it was taken as a starting option along with the cyberdeck.

  4. Simon Geard when you gain access to a move via cyberware, the move doesn’t count against your maximum number of additional moves (3 in playbook, 2 outside of it).

  5. Yeah so the “choose one move” for jack in here seems superfluous. The wording on the cyberware within the book implies it’s free. If the infiltrator took different cyberware and got a neural interface later on they’d gain the ability to take the relevant hacker or driver moves later on anyway as extra advancements to the base list of 10 (like you said)

  6. There are intentional differences between similar options on different playbooks and between playbook and regular list items for sure–note, for example, that cybereyes are better if you buy them at chargen. If the infiltrator takes Neural Interface at chargen (they only time they get the cyberware options on the playbook) then they get Jack In for free. They still get to choose “one more move”. Jack In is listed in the move list because those are options every time you advance.

    Infiltrators get Jack In for free in this way so it’s viable to make an Infiltrator who is a hacker, without having to spend all your resources (a cyberware slot and an optional move) buying things that Hackers get for free.

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