A few weeks ago I posted a web app that tracks and shares countdown clocks online.
It seemed fairly well received so I spiffed it up a bit. This version adds support for Chromecast and for Analog style countdown clocks. It also has slightly larger buttons so that it’s easier to use on a phone or tablet.
You can check it out at: https://tomcat8-clocks.rhcloud.com/clocks/
I love it!
Nice one!
It’s awesome, I’m testing it right now!
If I can humbly suggest: I’d make the first 2 sectors more yellowish, then the 18-21 sector orange (for example damages in AW are pretty light when you are in the first two sectors, but the 3rd one is already more serious).
Finally, for the wishlist: the ability to add a short list of phrases linked to a clock, so when I advance the clock, the software show me the linked phrase (under the clock, maybe, so it’s pretty pratical to read them). I.e.:
15:00 Voices of a rebellion start spreading
18:00 A Bar full of nobles is blown up by a rebel
21:00 Riot Police is sweeping the streets
Side note: I see the website save the clocks, so if I bookmark the page I can keep it for my long going campaign. When are they deleted? (if they are, of course).
For the wishlist: can you add a customized Main Title in place of the standard Big Board? Also, you could incorporate that title in the webpage name, so when I bookmark it, I have the campaign name in the bookmark.
When I flick the + and – buttons very fast, the printed times on the digital version are momentarily outlined in blue background. This is on Google Chrome. I don’t know why that would happen.
Pierre Savoie that is a “select all text” effect. Probably ’cause the software is busy syncing so the browser let you select the text with the mouse (like when you quickly double click on a word).
Andrea Parducci is correct. The button becomes disabled while it waits for the DB sync. Any ckicks received while sync’ing are passed to the browser.
Andrea Parducci I like your suggestions. I’d considered the Short phrase idea early on, but was concerned about crowding the GUI, but I’ll take another look at it. I’ll also take a look a the custom title.
You are correct that the Trackers are stored in a DB ( #OrientDB ). They will be stored until the DB space is exhausted. If space gets too short, Countdown Trackers will be deleted ‘oldest’ to ‘newest’ to make space (‘oldest’ is determined by the last accessed time – not create time). there’s just shy of a GB of space on the DB right now. I imagine (and hope) that takes a good long time to fill up.
Very Sprawl font choice…
Andrea Parducci Okay. It is not a serious issue.
I lose all clocks fairly quickly after visiting the same bookmarked clocks a couple times. Seems to happen we I add new ones. Am I the only one?
Rick SorgdragerI made an update Saturday to allow the naming to the campaign page. I may have introduced some instability.
Rick Sorgdrager Are you putting any kind of odd characters in the Clock names (odd like quotation marks, unicode characters or alt-characters)?
Charles Moore I just created a whole sheet of Countdown Clocks, mailed the URL to myself, closed the tab and opened the URL and it’s completely empty. Didn’t use any characters except letters and spaces. It notified that it synced each time I took an action, but none of it seemed to ‘take’.
Charles Moore https://tomcat8-clocks.rhcloud.com/clocks/mc.jsp?id=5746bb93-18d0-4aa3-9a58-45be5f296230 It’s this board. Nothing is clickable anymore either (can’t create new clocks etc.)
Would love for this to work so I could use it in my upcoming game!
Rick Sorgdrager I got your link and found the problem. It’s the tic mark in the phrase “Lockdown’s old KGB squad.” Total rookie mistake on my part. I need to run that JSON through an escape routine that will mask the tic before passing it to the JSP.
I should be able to push out a patch tonight.
If something goes wrong and I can’t push a patch tonight I would suggest using “The KGB squad to which Mr. Lockdown was formerly a member” (actually that’s too long, but you get the idea).
Great! I lied when saying I didn’t use special characters. Looking forward to using this from now on : )
Rick Sorgdrager Patch is live. It looks like it works….so far.
Andrea Parducci Thought you might like to know I’ve posted a patch that allows Campaign name to be set. Campaign names default to “The Big Board”, but can be changed by hitting the [ * ] icon.
Very cool, I have been using this in my weekly Campaign, it’s incredibly helpful! I also endorse the idea of being able to put in little text snip-its for certain segments.