Adam Koebel (Dungeon World co-author and Roll20’s resident GM) ran a one-shot of Masks for some ladies on RollPlay…

Adam Koebel (Dungeon World co-author and Roll20’s resident GM) ran a one-shot of Masks for some ladies on RollPlay…

Adam Koebel (Dungeon World co-author and Roll20’s resident GM) ran a one-shot of Masks for some ladies on RollPlay last weekend — to an audience of about 5000 people — and the VODs are steadily being released on YouTube.

It was a ton of fun, and one-shot Masks is way better than no Masks, but 4 hours will never be enough time to feel like you’ve seen enough from a team of freshly-created Masks characters, so prepare for that wistful sense of longing when it all ends at episode 4.

One thought on “Adam Koebel (Dungeon World co-author and Roll20’s resident GM) ran a one-shot of Masks for some ladies on RollPlay…”

  1. I really liked it. I’ve seen parts I through III, waiting for the 4th. The GM was fantastic, but the players were awesome too. At first they weren’t sure of what they could do, but as time passed by they started to work the system like a charm. Excellent thick headed bull that took the reins of the situation, amazing unsure Janus that started slow but shined, really destructive and protective Nova that somehow “knows what’s better for the rest”, and really cool supportive Delincuent that helped during the fight and specially after the fight.

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