4 thoughts on “I’m curious…if you Lock a Label, can an Advance still be used to improve it?”

  1. I think it like this: the Janus Mask is a switch of stats, it’s not an improvement. So the switch should work, and perhaps the mask attributes can still go up and down, if what you locked was in the character and not the mask. Of course, this is only my interpretation, your mileage may vary.

  2. Locking a label means that you’ve solidified that part of yourself—it’s no longer subject to change based on other people’s opinions. RAW I would say no, but in play I would allow it if it made sense—even adults can change their own image of themselves.

    If a Janus locked either of their Mask labels, I’d start wondering whether they were still a Janus anymore. The conflict between the ordinary life and the superheroic one is so central that locking one of the stats down seems like picking a side, saying “I have resolved this conflict, it’s no longer the center of my story.”

    If they do continue as a Janus, they’re saying that one of the things they are sure of about themselves gets completely yanked out from under them when they put on that mask. That’s not a recipe for healthy living. I’d call it a golden opportunity to make hard moves like “waking up with no memory of what the hero persona did last night”

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