I have something new for all your hunters:
More Weirdness:
Adds rules for “investigating weird cases” style games (X-Files, Fringe, etc).
New weird moves for your hunters, plus rules for creating mysteries with a weird phenomenon instead of a monster at the center.
It’s brand new and not tested yet, but I wanted to share anyhow. Have fun!
Great! I think this will fit our campaign truly well. Thanks you!
Seibei cool, please let me know how it goes
This is what i truly look for when i check G+ out!
Of course, Michael Sands.
This is cool! Many thanks – I hope I can take this for a spin on The Gauntlet!
Oops! I left out threat moves for weird phenomena. If you already got a copy, download it again to get those. I expect a few more will be needed, when you play a mystery, so don’t be afraid to make up some more.
‘Create some new weirdness.’
I love this…
Awesome! Love it!
Wow I really like the idea of having different basic moves for Weird.
Imma steal that for my current non-MotW campaign
First of all, this is awesome. Then, I humbly suggest to differentiate Hunches from Sensitive, maybe inserting specific conditions. Ie: Hunches get hints from totally unrelated)/unknown places or people, while Sensitives get hints from objects, places, people actually around them.
What do you think?
Andrea Parducci yes, that’s a good idea. I’ll make them a bit more distinct in the next version. What you’re suggesting is definitely what I had in mind, just needs to be written in more clearly.
…and done. Andrea Parducci, thanks again. Now hunches tells you “where you think you should go” and sensitive is more about getting information.
File at the link above has been updated.
Another update today, to make Telekinesis a bit more nose-bleedy. New file at the same old link.
About No Limits (I forgot to tell you this one last time): “ignore your body’s limits for 30 seconds.” That “precise” 30 seconds clashes with the heavlily narrative time management of PbtA engine. I’d change it with something more elastic. Maybe “for some minutes” or “for a few following actions”, something like that.
PS: cool, I’m in the Thanks section ;-D
Andrea Parducci I toyed with some wordings like that, but I decided on 30 seconds because that’s enough time to do some cool stuff, but not so much you can do everything, if you see what I mean.
And you should have been thanked earlier for those other thoughts, sorry I forgot before!
Also, now, in Telekinesis, the whole wording tells about “moving things”, however what if I don’t choose the option “move where I want”?
Is the moving an object/person a standard effect, AND I can add “special effects” like fire, harm etc. with my choices? Or, now telekinesis is not about moving things, but more about “damage” “fire” etc. AND maybe, if I choose it, “move”?
Also, a clarification (useful every time there’s a list of choices): can I choose the same thing on the list 2 times? For example, I roll 10+: can I inflict 4 damage? Or set ablaze 2 people?
“Nope” is about the choose 2 time the same option, I suppose. What about the former post?
It was! I missed the first question.
Moving something always happens.
But if you don’t choose “where I want” then the thing moves but the Keeper decides where to.
Michael, you should think about a new edition with this and the new luck rules for each playbook. It is a nice upgrade for the game.
New Edition War is coming!!!! X-D
Mark Tygart it’s more likely to appear as a companion book of some kind. Don’t hold your breath, though: that’s still just in the ‘vague ideas’ stage of production.
Michael Sands Just wanted to offer encouragement. And if you would like me to add a few mysteries….
I may give the tires on this a kick Very Soon! I feel like I want a less nose-bleedy version of TK, though. We’ll see.