Hi! I don’t think I’ve talked much about What Ho, World! here but I think you all might be interested in it. It’s essentially my attempt to make a PbtA game that’s a) GM-less, b) Diceless, c) Card-based and d) Wodehouse/Jeeves and Wooster-themed! We’re crowdfunding the card print run now and I’d be very grateful if you could take a look.
The big thing with the game, inspired heavily by Dream Askew, is that each move (which comes on its own discrete card) automatically has what would be a 7-9 effect normally – you do it but there’s a cost, you only do some of it, etc. On top of that, each player has tokens broken up into four stats that they can spend to trigger move-specific extras: you can spend a Skulduggery token to hide your identity with an outlandish disguise when Sneaking Around, for example, or spend a grace token to make the character you’ve just introduced to the story with Who’s Who inordinately fond of you. The kicker is that these tokens are found on the reverse side of the cards that have your playbook’s moves on, so you have to work out which moves you have faceup and able to be used, and which ones you want to have facedown and usable as tokens to boost other moves.
Finally, I’m trying to blend in story pacing systems to keep the plot moving forward without a GM’s intervention. Every playbook has a Trouble Move that gets them into deeper and deeper complications but rewards them with wildcard tokens, there’s explicit character spotlight and scene framing mechanics, and random drafting of character goals and assets at the start of each game to give you your character’s personal plot.
I’ll stop talking now, but it’s a design I’m pretty proud of and think it’s worth your time!
You had me at W&J