Jumping on board the Uncharted Worlds train. Really love the game.
Jumping on board the Uncharted Worlds train. Really love the game.
Jumping on board the Uncharted Worlds train. Really love the game.
Jumping on board the Uncharted Worlds train. Really love the game.
Jumping on board the Uncharted Worlds train. Really love the game.
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Welcome aboard!
Welcome! Have you been a player or GM?
PbtA is a fast train compared to other game-systems. You know all that science-fiction stuff, so get on with it!
Haven’t played or run yet. Just looking for an sci-fi game that doesn’t require massive amounts of prep and math.
Well you’re in luck in the low-prep, low-maths department
Hope you get to take the game for a spin soon!
I do try to run semi-regular one-shots on Google Hangouts to playtest Far Beyond Humanity (the expansion to UW), and a few others also run their game out of here, so keep an eye out if you’re interested in a virtual session.
PbtA games take some prep. The trick is to imagine a flow of NPC and Factional action and the consequences of player failure. The world advances to some bad outcome they are supposed to prevent. Work out a few INTERESTING consequences so you aren’t stuck rehashing the same old consequences time and time again.
That’s good prep, though. It’s the statting up that always drives me mad.