Hello fellow drakes

Hello fellow drakes

Hello fellow drakes,

I have a question. I have looked in the book about rules for damage and dying.

I noticed that damage makes the player check the shadow track and once all 4 are marked, then the drake turns into dris shadowself.

I will start playing this game with a group of mature players, and definitively, death of the character can be the worst thing that can happen it can also be extremely interesting to see how it turns out in the fiction, especially if the character is returned through moon magic.

In any case, I have been looking into the rules and I didn’t find anything about dying or damage outside of the shadow track. Can you guys point me in the right direction for these rules?

This is my first time with an Apocalypse World rules game, so I am not sure if I am missing the point on something.


3 thoughts on “Hello fellow drakes”

  1. I haven’t gone over the rules thoroughly yet, but I don’t think you’re missing anything – this doesn’t really have anything to do with being an “Apocalypse World rules” game, and more to do with being an all-ages game. I don’t believe there are rules for drakes dying.

  2. Mike is correct. Death and dying are not a focus of the type of stories that Epyllion tells, so there are no rules for them. If such events arose as a natural consequence of the narrative, then they may occur but this isn’t mechanically determined.

    Its worth noting that damage/harm will often (but not always) coincide with the impact of the shadow track.

  3. I appreciate all the comments guys. Luke and Mike, I think you are right, I am thinking on more rules heavy games like Pathfinder, on which you have rules for everything and the game is very heavy on the possibility to die. I think I need to switch gears for this game and also prepare my players for a more narrative oriented game like this. I think unlearning many years of D&D and World of Darkness games will be extremely fun to achieve,

    Marissa, thanks a lot for that idea. I am all for learning Epyllion and its internal logic, but I am sure that since my friends are all used to the kind of threat for a life/death in combat situation, your suggestion is perfect and makes a lot of sense. I love it and I really appreciate the help.

    I will let you all how it goes.

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