About to start a game with my group and will keep people posted.

About to start a game with my group and will keep people posted.

About to start a game with my group and will keep people posted.

We are still on setting setup, so not much is sure right now, but I want mecha and clonesreplicants to be in the mix.

11 thoughts on “About to start a game with my group and will keep people posted.”

  1. When’s your first session? Because the new FBH Origins are already up in the Previews folder for applicable clone-ish Origins, and I’ve got a section on Mecha coming very soon, hopefully this week. (By Mecha I assume you mean giant robots a la Gundam, Voltron, Pacific Rim et al?)

  2. They way I did mechs was a little different because I basically had the characters as the mechs instead of in a vehicle. I did that because I wanted to feature the machines as the main focus of the story. Here is the link to the actual play.

    It’s ok to put me on the spot. I love talking about this game.


  3. I do mean giant robots like Gundam ,etc.  Likely similar to those in Jovian Chronicles, since our group has enjoyed that in the past.  For mechs, I am hoping a player buys a vehicle as a walker of some sort.

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