Anyone has / created an influence record sheet?

Anyone has / created an influence record sheet?

Anyone has / created an influence record sheet? I would like to create one, but I do not want to reinvent the wheel. It would be in the form of a statement, followed by a table with a couple of fields to fill.


I have influence over …

Name | description | who are they to me


One thought on “Anyone has / created an influence record sheet?”

  1. We developed a system that we really liked that each player had a different colour sheet of paper, and they would cut a slip off and put there name to physically give it to a person who had influence over them. That way, each character would know who they had influence over.

    If a character ever lost influence over another, they would then tear up the slip and give it back, which seemed like an effective symbolic gesture. I know it means keeping track of more little papers, but it did work, and it gave everyone a way to see the influence web at a glance during play.

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