For those who didn’t see Brendan Conway’s post, here’s a link.

For those who didn’t see Brendan Conway’s post, here’s a link.

For those who didn’t see Brendan Conway’s post, here’s a link. He shares some of his design process, including early versions of playbooks. 🙂

Originally shared by Brendan Conway

The Masks PDF is out! (It’s up on DriveThruRPG at this link:

Took me a bit to put some of my feelings into words, but I did.

Thanks, again, here, to everyone who helped make this a reality. Mark Diaz Truman, Marissa Kelly, Michael Lunsford, Brooke Carnevale, Daniel Solis, Shelley Harlan, Amanda Valentine, Derrick Kapchinsky, you’re all awesome.

Thanks to that group of awesome people who stuck with me for a year and essentially three massively different iterations of the rules. Andrea G, Joe Zantek, Matt Holland, blu joker, Richard Rogers—you’re heroes.

Thanks again to every single backer (whose names you can find at the Magpie Games website in the Masks section), to the Halcyon City Champions who went above and beyond in playtesting (who you can also find there on the website), to everyone who’s played it or talked it up or said awesome things about it, and to everyone who’s critiqued it or given me needed feedback or helped make it better.

I’m super (heh) proud of this game. I hope you like it.