I’m looking to run a sky pirate style game in the near future and am debating whether to use Fate or a PBTA game; can anyone recommend a PBTA game that covers that sort of thing?
I’m looking to run a sky pirate style game in the near future and am debating whether to use Fate or a PBTA game;…
I’m looking to run a sky pirate style game in the near future and am debating whether to use Fate or a PBTA game;…
There’s à Dungeon World hack about it, named Upside World (I thibk, can’t check atm)
Inverse World is what I think Pierre M was referring to, and it’s really good. It’s based on Dungeon World, but adds a lot of stuff and a very cool setting.drivethrurpg.com – Inverse World – A Dungeon World Supplement
Pirate World for Dungeon World finally came out in pdf, if you can find a copy.
I’d use AW/2 or straight Dungeon World depending on how combat centric you want it to be. Both can be modded easily and switched over to a pirate theme.
In addition to Inverse World there is A Sundered World. It’s more Space Pirates, but the stats give a good base that can be fiddled with.
As another system suggestion, look up Risus. It’s a completely free, setting agnostic game that’s less complicated than Fate and extremely moddable.
Inverse World has some really splendid playbooks. It’ll work mechanically with other Dungeon World playbooks in use, but these are some of the best available.
Michael Llaneza : Thanks very much I’ll give it a look
Listen to an old podcast of The Jank Cast they did an awesome AP of AW sky pirates
Tim Jensen: I backed Pirate World many moons ago but have no idea when/if I’ll see a pdf/printed copy nor how to obtain them. TBH given the lack of communications from the author I’d pretty much consigned it to the KS graveyard.
Whenever I hear “sky pirate”, I immediately think of Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (S7S). The system is PDQ# (sharp), not PbtA, and I greatly enjoyed running it. It’s at least worth a look for inspiration.
Kurt Rauscher: I got a copy of that recently but haven’t had a chance to fully read through it yet.
PDQ was my jam before I got deep into PBTA. If you backed Pirate World, you can get your copy of the PDF from the kickstarter update #46. They’re up to version 1.2 now.
And speaking of sky pirates, you should watch “Stardust”. Robert deNiro makes a fantastic sky pirate.
Michael Llaneza : Yep – great film, very much enjoyed the mix of fairy-tales and swashbuckling