Can you reject influence on the label shift that happens if someone gains influence on you while already having it?

Can you reject influence on the label shift that happens if someone gains influence on you while already having it?

Can you reject influence on the label shift that happens if someone gains influence on you while already having it? We’re having a bit of a disagreement in my group about this and were hoping for an official clarification.

10 thoughts on “Can you reject influence on the label shift that happens if someone gains influence on you while already having it?”

  1. Are you talking about at the end of the session or during play? I’m not sure about the end of the session, but during play you should be able to reject anyone’s influence whenever it comes up. If you don’t want anyone having influence over you and stuff, then you need to stop doing things so that they have Influence over you. So, like, if they Defend you and and stuff, you need to make sure you react appropriately in order to blow them off so that you don’t care about what they think.

  2. The rule: “If you have Influence over a teammate and you would gain Influence over them again, immediately shift one of their Labels up and one of their Labels down, your choice.”

    That seems pretty clear to me. There’s no space for a between-clauses rejection of influence.

    If that doesn’t convince you: This isn’t someone using influence to shift your labels, this is someone shifting your labels as a result of gaining influence.

  3. I’d say that since “gain influence” is probably the result of some move, then no. As Blaze Azelski said, this is probably a move result.

    It’s the same as the MC saying “mark your guilty condition.” In this case he’d be saying, “they gain influence,” but since they already have it you’re shifting danger up and savior down because as a result of whatever already happened in the story your character is really taking to heart the fact that you this person who you respect views you as a reckless vigilante rather than a hero.

    Reject influence isn’t a saving throw versus influence, it’s the just mechanic a gets engaged when your team leader calls you reckless and dangerous and you tell them to stuff it and walk away. In this situation you’ve probably already failed to do that, thus they have influence already and now something else has reinforced it. Sometimes “they gain influence” is just the result of the fiction—it’s the move that the MC makes in response to what you’re doing.

    That’s the game though. Superpowers are just the colorful wrapping paper. Your labels are going to shift and people will gain influence over you. It’s core to the game. I doubt that people will have fun if they make the game about denying influence and resisting label shifts.

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