A character to use in your game:

A character to use in your game:

A character to use in your game:


A young hero that just wants to provide a valuable service to their community. Sure Freemium will rescue you but they won’t put that much effort into it. If you need more you can pay. Freemium has reasonable rates and hey – everyone needs to eat right?

It works for games, why not for heroes?

5 thoughts on “A character to use in your game:”

  1. Saving your cat from a tree? Freemium gets up there and throws down your cat.

    Want it picked up and safely brought down? That’s 5$.

    Yeah Freemium can punch EX-O out of your store to stop the robbery but it will take that wall of TVs with them.

    Stop EX-O fully? 15$

    Protect all your wares? 15$

    Protect employes? 15$


  2. I could almost see a Star playing this completely straight.

    “Like and share this rescue with your friends to earn rapid response tokens that you can use in the future!”

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