Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned? I’m tossing around the idea of corporations toying with psychic abilities, possibly boosted/caused by some kind of wetware.
Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned?
Has anyone done any psychic add-ons for The Sprawl, or is one officially planned?
I did a mage and shaman add on, and their is also a more simplified magic addon from Touch…They could be warpped into a psychic depending on how much of a template you wanted psychic to be.
I doubt there will be anything official. There’s certainly nothing planned at the moment. There are a few supernatural things in the pipeline that you could tweak for psychic abilities though, if that’s your jam.
Sounds pretty snazzy. Got a link to your magey stuff? Also, how easy is porting stuff from say, AW or US to The Sprawl? This my first* PBtA game, so I’m still learning.
*Technically, BitD is, but it seems to deviate enough, sharing more the DNA than straight system. I could, of course, be wrong.
AW and US have vastly different underlying systems and assumptions, so porting entire playbooks or subsystems would be a very difficult exercise. You could probably cherry pick some moves and adjust without a lot of trouble.
I would probably just reskin a standard playbook and say that the moves are fueled by psychic abilities before writing something new, though. Scanners-esque assassin? Killer, with a signature psychic ability instead of a weapon. Telepathic grifter? Face Infiltrator, they pick up on surface thoughts instead of social cues. Etc.
IF I do anything with it I may just have it be narrative. I need some time running it before I get crazy, so it’s not a big deal now.
It depends what you’re porting. If you’re porting Open your brain then it’s easy; if you’re porting something like Urban Shadows‘ debt system or Monsterhearts‘ strings then it will take more work.
There are links to playtest documents for Touched and some fan-made magic stuff further back in the community, Ben Liepis.
I shall dig, sir! Thank you!