Monsterhearts 2 kickstarter preview up! No explicit system details, but it all sounds very cool – particularly the discount option for queer teens and people in poverty. 2 kickstarter preview up!
Monsterhearts 2 kickstarter preview up!
I am looking forward to this! The first edition was so much fun.
Heck yeah — such a good game!
Filled up pretty fast at #Metatopia… quicker than I could hit “send”! Really looking forward to this and I hope I get to sit near the cool kids at the table…
I don’t understand the discount being based on sexuality, but to each their own I guess. It’ll be interesting to see what has changed from the first edition, especially regarding Strings!
Christian Stenz pretty certain the thought process is:
1) Representation of yourself in a game can be a really positive thing
2) Queer youth don’t have many things that make an active effort to show they belong
3) Getting a game that makes an active effort to show they belong in their hands easier is therefore a v. good thing
4) Therefore I will offer this game to them for cheap.
Makes sense to me, at least.
Christian Stenz I wonder if Kickstarter will even allow it.
James Iles While I agree with the principle of showing any (and all) people that they belong in society on equal footing with everybody else, I’m not particular fond of giving any group different treatment based on their sexuality. Just like I wouldn’t like it if heterosexual adults would have to pay more than anybody else.
But hey, I guess it’s up to the author/creator of the campaign but like Chuck Dee I’m curious to see if Kickstarter will allow it.
I don’t think there’s anything in Kickstarter’s ToS it goes against – especially as it’s working on the honour system with no proof required.
And it’s live!
E: currently on $666