Things are coming to a head. Various threats have been maneuvered to the Vamp’s wine bar (not his haven, that’s the VIP back room)
– the Fae is meeting a witch known for taking things from those weaker than her who also has a couple redcap slaves/bodyguards. They’re making an important trade (will she act honorably? will he help his brethren?)
– the Veteran is staked out in his truck with a “good” demon child named Stephanie, waiting for the strange human who is somehow killing and consuming demons (is this demon even worth saving? what power allows one to consume a demon?)
– the Vamp has hidden his nature from a group of hunters who rolled in to town and was able to turn their leader into his thrall, but they’re suspicious (will they find out their leader has been compromised? will they lash out in a bar full of supernatural folk?)
– the Spectre’s daughter and Link follows the Vamp around, romanticizing the vampire lifestyle. The Vamp intends to make her his ghoul (will she agree? will the Spectre reveal himself to her?)
– Two ghouls of a rival vampire are looking for the Spectre, who agreed to help them with some local wolves being nuisance, but bailed
– Some of those wolves show up, looking for the master of the ghouls that killed one of their pack in the park the previous night
So all this stuff is sort of happening at once at the beginning of this session in the wine bar. How does it turn out? What tinder ignites first? WHAT DO YOU DO?