Does anyone know any good resources or advice for creating your own Powered by the Apocalypse game? I have a PDF of Simple World, but anything people could provide would be helpful.
Does anyone know any good resources or advice for creating your own Powered by the Apocalypse game?
Does anyone know any good resources or advice for creating your own Powered by the Apocalypse game?
I’ve given a talk at NordCon Hamburg, but the slides are in German.
Here’s some slides from Vincent Baker’s talk at Metatopia… – PbtA-Metatopia.pdf – Google Drive
Simple World, the recent slides, and the Advanced Fuckery chapter in Apocalypse World.
I’d recommend just reading a bunch of them and seeing how they work. Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, The Sprawl and Masks all do interesting things with the system.
…and this:
Oli Jeffery do you remember where those slides are? I saw them and forgot to download.
Chris Bennett Yoshi Creelmanlinks to them above.
Thank you to everyone, some great resources here.
I’d also add Murderous Ghosts, Dream Askew, Undying, and The Warren.
There’s a set of questions at the back of The Sundered Lands that are very useful for this