My apologies if this has been answered already.
For the Bull’s move, Punch Everyone, is the label shift permanent or only for the combat?
Does this move then become an “easy” way for the Bull to move her Danger label back up after someone else has lowered it?
There’s no such thing as a temporary label shift in Masks — all label shifts are permanent. So yes, it’s a very good way for the Bull to cement herself as a dangerous, reckless mofo despite what other people might say. And that’s fine.
Yep, it’s permanent, but you don’t have any way to shift back if it’s at +3, so people can easily give you Conditions by affirming how dangerous you are.
I’d say all label shifts are temporary, and they’re not permanent til you take the Lock a Label advance.
Adam Goldberg that is correct, but I think the question here whether the label shift would be automatically reversed at the end of the fight, or if the character was stuck with it until some other event or move caused their labels to shift again and affected their Danger score. So saying “Everything is temporary” is correct but may be a bit confusing in this context ^^’
In this case, I’d definitely say that you’re stuck with the increase. Definitely easy… but it’s a slippery slope, as others have already noticed. Fun to play!
Everything is temporary, in that all changes are permanent.
I realize I didn’t state the question correctly (in that I understand that the labels are by nature malleable by the rules), but you guys answered it very well regardless. Thanks!
Yeah, with the +3 cap and the fact this Move selects a specific label, it occurred to me that Bulls can end up hurting themselves with reckless behavior. And the cinematic roleplayer in me is rubbing his hands in gleeful anticipation.