How do people deal with villains from the Deck of Villainy who acquire a condition that does not make immediate…

How do people deal with villains from the Deck of Villainy who acquire a condition that does not make immediate…

How do people deal with villains from the Deck of Villainy who acquire a condition that does not make immediate sense? For example, Satin’s drive is to create fear, chaos, and panic, and has all 5 conditions (!), but because of that drive, I have a hard time envisioning what could make them guilty!

6 thoughts on “How do people deal with villains from the Deck of Villainy who acquire a condition that does not make immediate…”

  1. I guess the question is: what do you envision them being motivated by? I think as long as you can see their internal landscape, you can make sense of most conditions. It’s the nonsense bad guys that are harder to do that with – but, if they legitimately make no sense (and they shouldn’t), then run with that.

  2. She could feel guilty that she’s not causing enough chaos or panic.

    “Oh no! Only half of the civilians are fleeing in mortal terror-the others have just passed out. Maybe I’m not cut out for this, I could be so much better at evil. My mother was right, I should have just finished my degree and become an accountant. I am a disgrace to Chaos everywhere!”

  3. Chirag Asnani That’s a particularly good example, Chirag.

    Guilt can be intrinsic, or it can be pushed on us by external parties. If you know what your villain’s external relationships are, you definitely know what they can be made guilty by. And in Masks, they should all have very well elucidated external relationships.

  4. Chirag Asnani Very cool – I can also imagine a guilt involving “why am I wasting my time on these kids? I should be creating chaos elsewhere!” inspired by what you said!

    This could also be a good time to have a villain attempt to flee a conflict, if they’re guilty about not doing something else!

  5. Hey I say, chaos and panic is less extreme than death. People should inadvertently kill or maim themselves as a result of his evildoings, at which time a player can inflict guilt by bringing that up.

    “You made a lady kill herself. Your bomb took off some poor guys legs. Dead people can’t feel fear! Death makes people angry, not afraid. You have to kill and maim to inflict terror? What kind of mastermind are you? I’ve taken shits more Machiavellian than you! ‘Duuur kill people’ You’re a joke!”

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