Good news and bad news today, friends.
Good news is that the samples have arrived, they look fantastic and they’re already printed and shipped. Hallelujah, right? I am extremely happy with the colours, the binding – and just the overall quality of the final product is fantastic. It’s more than I hoped for and when compared to POD, it’s night and day. Especially for artwork.
Bad news: You may have seen the proof I posted a couple weeks back. I proofed it once again using that copy and that was the update we put out of The Veil on drivethru without a notification. It’s very small things. Things like two words are in bold in an example, a show isn’t in italics. There’s one spelling error, etc. These did not make it into the print run because of a communication breakdown.
Kyle sent them the updated files highlighting a few pages with substantial page changes. Instead they made ONLY these changes. Swapping out those pages and not just using the updated file with all the changes.
It’s really frustrating for us knowing the print copies aren’t reflecting absolutely everything. I think it won’t detract from the print copy, but it’s nevertheless really aggravating. The printer has admitted “some” fault in this and want to keep a working relationship with Kyle, so they are working to find a compromise but it’s out of the question that they will re print the entire run. So we will see what recompense they come up with.
In the end what matters is that the book really is lovely and of exceptional quality. It also has fewer mistakes than the print copy of Altered Carbon I’m currently reading too, so there’s also that. But it does gnaw at me still.

Wow, nice colours! Just to clarify, the print run all goes to KS backers?
The print run and we have more copies as well that will be available through IPR for Americans and through the samjoko store envy page for international people. Those copies will ship from Korea, so it’ll maximize the savings for both Americans as well as anyone international (like Canadians). We did a print run of 1000. So we will have enough for a bit in both locations, I’m sure.
Sounds good and looks great. Congrats!
Thank you!!
I know the post is not about this, but… Why does the printer want to work with Kyle? Any future RPG project? Do I have to start saving money?
Yep!! Kyle’s published The Magicians and Worlds in Peril through them, annnnd he’s working on something really awesome! Hopefully he teases it soon
The pics look gorgeous! Sorry to hear about the printing problems–as a writer, you understandably want your book to be as error-free as possible. As a reader, I’m still eager to get my hands on the book and don’t expect my pleasure in it to be diminished even one iota.
When the print copies go live in the stores (samjoko) you should do a KSer update to advise, so I can go get one
Are you going to do a print option thru DriveThru?
I don’t think we are going to do a POD release, but we will see. With the page count I bet it’d be quite expensive and and an inferior product. But with the Samojoko storefront page having copies to ship via Korea and the IPR copies as well, we should have some copies for a while!
I think Kyle is waiting to hear back from the publisher on what they’re going to do for us and then do a KS update and once it’s available he will definitely put out another making sure people are aware the product is available.
Palladium ran EVERY game they ever published with the word “chamr” in the main stat table. I think you’ll be fine.
haha thanks! That makes me feel better!