Crossposting from Tavern Keeper, because some folks would rather play by googledoc than by forum.
Too many cool ideas, too few players, too little time! In a nutshell, how about a slight variation on Masks? Still a team of superpowered youngsters, but with a little bit of a twist. This owes homage to (among other sources) the Monkey RPG from d101 Games, Anima Prime from Berengad Games, and the Dark Heavens trilogy by Kylie Chan. A little urban fantasy, a lot of wuxia, and a handy dandy excuse for martial arts shenanigans all wrapped up in one neat little package.
Here’s the original thumbnail, which could be easily rolled over to Masks. Legacy? You’re from a long line of heroic gods. Transformed? You got turned into a Demon. Delinquent? Half the pantheon slips onto the naughty list sooner or later! And let’s face it. Having the Benevolent Goddess Herself tell you that you’re a bad little godling is the sort of thing that the Influence rules cover nicely.
“Ministry of Thunder”
PCs are immortals, or demons, or animal spirits who have screwed up and are working off their misdeeds through community service by helping the Duke of Thunder, Lei Gong, police the mortal world and handling any problems that the mortals can’t. This means lazy dragons asleep at the switch and causing droughts or floods, rioting demons breaking loose from the Ten Thousand Hells outside of contractually permitted intrusions, naughty Immortals causing trouble to alleviate their boredom…you name it, it’s under your job description!
Operatives are allowed their own weapons of choice and are issued an official badge in a plain black leather carrying case and a pair of sunglasses, because it’s always vitally important to look cool when kicking demon hindquarters.
PCs should have names based on the various animals of the Chinese Zodiac, possibly with alliterative epithets. Y’know, like…Modest Mouse or Honest Horse or Awesome Ox.
The whole has a retro-cool feel to it, a mashup of art deco and wuxia: tommy guns, Model Ts, big jazz bands, fedoras, swords, fans, temples…Hellboy meets Gangbusters by way of Drunken Master 2 and Final Fantasy.
The MoT itself is a ramshackle detective agency on the second floor of a three story building in a crowded neighborhood. The Boss is a stern older woman who traditionally wears pantsuits and insists on being addressed only as ‘Duke’. There is a tiny reception area with a small desk and telephone, three rickety chairs, and a table with several old magazines on it. The main room has a desk and phone for each PC, plus another two. Duke’s office has a bigger desk, a phone, a tickertape machine that periodically spits out instructions from one of two sources (identified as EBH and WDH), and a most unusual Go board. There is also a file room, a bathroom, and a kitchenette. Apartments for the staff can be found on the third floor, but these are rarely used since the Operatives are usually out in the field somewhere.
(The Go board on Duke’s desk is a situation map of the world. Each of the points on the 29 by 29 grid can be ‘expanded’ into an 8 by 8 grid for more precise locations. How this manifests is that the stone on the point turns blood crimson and a golden trigram appears on it to denote the subsector. You know it’s really bad when no trigram appears.)
This won’t be terribly fast, as my Zootopia 77 players are aware, but it could be a lot of fun.
Huh. Not quite what I was expecting. Not sure how far my current char would work for this. But keeping an eye on this to see how it goes.
Kai Seemayer Oh, I could happily run a ‘straight’ Masks game as well. I’ve just had this particular concept on the brain for a while.
What’s your current character, if i may ask?
Henry de Veuve The char I want to play next is based on irish mythology; a legacy with a slight twist in that barely anyone on the outside knows about it, as they prefer to work in the background. Like, they have enemies that know them, and some supers know about them as well, but not the average person.
My current char is an outsider from a militaristic empire that very much walks in the grey zone.
I can give you details via PM if you want.
Kai Seemayer Yeah, that’d be the Outsider…”visitor from another pantheon”.
Sure, shoot me a PM!
Henry de Veuve Right, so I have no idea how to do that, because the icons google tells me to click aren’t on your page, and I just joined + two days ago.
So here.
Not sure if it would work with the outsider playbook, tbh, she’s kinda built around Legacy powers and moves.
Also, since she was originally a replacement for my current char, she has more powers and stuff in this Doc than she would at the start of the campaign. – Dagda
Kai Seemayer Legacy could still work. She’s just “on loan” for the moment, because reasons (and possibly an amusing bit of backstory! How badly does an Irish demigoddess have to screw up to get traded to the M of T, anyway? Or is this one of those Interpol sorts of things? (laugh)
I mean, if it works, sure, I’m in – I have to warn you tho: I will need to google the term wuxia < .<
Kai Seemayer Well, I’m gonna ask that you re-stat her to baseline so everyone’s on the same footing, but other than that I can’t think of a reason to exclude the character.
And “wuxia”:
her stats are base, but I’ll have to remove/lock some powers. Which I will do, no problem. and thanks for the link xP
Kai Seemayer Glad to help!
And an update! No sooner do I get this going than I get the news that the game that started it all is Kickstarting the second ed. If you’re interested, check it out. – Monkey, the Roleplaying Game of the Journey to the West